"Preach the Word" Conference (2 Tim. 4:2)
The goal of this conference is leadership development which has been pointed out as the greatest need in Myanmar, perhaps even in the world. People are eager and praying to see servant leadership in their churches. AIMTODAY has been called to fulfill that need as He brings us and allows us to identify ourselves by coming alongside KEY leaders.
This conference provides the opportunities to get involved by your giving and personally getting involve with the teaching. AIMTODAY has been led to arrange this conference for church leaders in Myanmar. Our goal is to invite those other leaders whom the Lord has uniquely gifted to serve the leaders. This is a conference that allows us to minister to ministers.
Do you sense God leading you to be a part of such a significant adventure, please drop us a message at [email protected] AIMTODAY would be happy to arrange the meeting.
The first "Preach the Word" Conference was held in a little village called PAI. This village is located in south of Chin State. There were about 32 church leaders attending this conference.
"Preach the Word" Conference will be held in Kachin State
"Preach the Word" Conference will be held in Kachin State in September 2009. Philip has been invited by Lisu Christian Fellowship Churches to train their church leaders. Philip is more than happy to receive this invitation and he asks that you would remember this upcoming conference in your prayer. Please pray that funds needed for this trip and for Philip to be able to take some of the students of Yangon Grace Bible School in this trip. YGBS can be viewed at the following address http://ygbflife.weebly.com/yangon-grace-bible-school.html
If you have been led to participate in this ministry, you can email Philip at [email protected]
"Preach the Word" Conference
The first "Preach the Word" Conference was held with these church leaders and Bible students. It was so encouraging to see how the Lord works within us and through the teaching.
The picture shows how the teaching was done.
Philip excitedly taught how we are to study the Bible inductively and serve our generations. Most importantly, at this meeting, we studied the relevant of preaching for today. Philip taught that it is through the proclamation of His word that the Lord is building the church.