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Report On Recent Missions Trip
(February 5 to 28 of 2010, Paletwa Area, Southern Chin State)
Follow this link for more pictures:

• We were privileged to build relationship with five indigenous leaders at Kyaut Taw.
• We were privileged to take rest at Kyat Ma Aing and had our prayers for the village.
• We were privileged to teach His words to some 120 people and gathered firewood for elderly people at Se Saung Kung village.
• We were privileged to teach His words to some 30 people at An Taung Kung.
• We were privileged to teach His words to some 100 people at Sen Thang.
• We were privileged to teach His words to some 130 people and baptized 15 people at La Bung Kung.
• We were privileged to teach His words to some 120 people at Pai.
• We were privileged to teach His words to more than 400 people for five nights and four days of teaching was also given to more than 40 church leaders at Ouh Sin Ki.
• We were privileged to teach His words to more than 350 people at Bung Lai for two days.
• We were privileged to teach His words to more than 50 people at Sa Mi.
We spent a total of 23 days. For four days we were inside the Bus and we were on the river driving and pushing boat for three days. We walked on foot for nine days. However, we praise the Lord for the difficulties that were transformed into joy when we saw the hospitalities we received from each of the village. (As a token of their warm welcome, they showed us their cultural dance followed by reading the Bible and prayer. After these, we then were led into the village and finally to the house.). We thank the Lord for lives that have been touched and fruits we witnessed in churches God has established since 2007 and for funds invested in lives of elderly peoples. There remain yet many villages that have asked us to visit and to share His words but we were not able to do at this time. But we are determined to enter into these doors that God has open in other villages.
2010 February Report Continued

Philip was the leader and he was assisted by Habakkuk, Samuel and Joshua who are teachers of our Yangon Grace Bible School. There were 5 students who also joined us on the trip. They are, Joshua R.C Thang, David Lailianthanga, Robert Sianramchuana, Amos Zamte, James R.T Lian, Myo Hteh Naing. There were also two missionaries who joined us. They are Timothy Yar Htun Hla (pastor), Sui Van Sum (missionary).
I was so much impressed and touched by the love and commitment these people have demonstrated throughout the trip. It was obviously their love for God and commitment to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus that made this trip possible. The people that we met said, “you’ve got one of the best team we have ever seen in our places” and this is true. I thank the Lord for the comedies and powerful messages backed by their lives and good works shown to the elderly people by the team. It was the unity and relationship within the team that was most touching to the people we ministered to. And as a leader, I simply stood in an amazement as I watched us working together under the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit.
2010 February Report continued

If we are asked about the one thing that most touches us, it would be none other than their hospitability to the stranger and especially to God’s people. In every meal that we had, we had the joy of having variety of meals brought to us by other families. In each of the village that we stopped by and proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus, they killed their pig and gave their cow as a token of their gratitude to God and to us. We got so many eggs given to us by widows and elderly peoples. We were humbled by their generosity to us. Particularly at Ouh Sin Ki village, the people spread a white linen for us to stand on as we waited and listened to their welcome song. Some of us could not help our eyes and hearts filling with tears of gratitude to God and to the people. We remain thankful to God even to this day for those warm welcomes, hospitalities and relationships that He built while we were there.

Future Plan: To buy a piece of land in Sami. This is meant for the purpose of Developing Tribal People. If/when God provides 2000 $ we will buy and build bamboo house and start three months training for young men and adults and children as well. Teachers and students from our school will go there to teach the word of God and to provide educational helps. Those leaders that we work with in this area, we will meet in this place for spiritual edification. This will be used by our leaders there for Bible teaching. This land will belong to the Khummi people that we work with and will allow God to use it as Samaritan House to provide home for strangers and eventually for the gathering of the believers.

God is actively at work among us and His power will always be evidenced if/when we go out in His name to do His work. However, His working power may stop if and when we choose to enjoy the accomplishments and rest while we should continue to be active in His ministry. And because of this truth, we can never get tired of thanking you for your generous support in our ministry. May the Lord richly repay you for your supports. May you also be encouraged by the fact that you have many friends praying for you now and friends to meet when we get there to our home in Heaven to dwell for eternity. Thank you and may the Lord bless you all richly.
We hope you find our reports informative and blessings. May we all active in His works while it is called today!
Sincerely in Christ,
Philip & Dante Lian
Active In Missions Today
Enjoy our Trip Pictures (Page 1)
Enjoy our Trip Pictures (Page 2)
January Reports and Upcoming Trip (2010)
Inductive Bible Study Seminars

Oh…what a joy it was to begin the New Year with Inductive Bible Study Seminar under His directions and provisions. There were about 45 ministers representing 8 people groups. We praise the Lord for the wonderful works He has done.
Continued from January reports

“The after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “let us go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing” (Acts 15:36).
Early in February 2010, I will be accompanied by our students and teachers (total of 14 peoples), and make mission trip to Paletwa area in Southern Chin State. Below is how the trip should look like.
February 5-6: We will be traveling by Bus.
February 7-8: We will be traveling by boat on the river.
February 9-10: We will walk on steep and hilly paths for more than 20 miles to visit the church at Se Saung Kung village.
February 11: We will walk again for more than 10 miles and visit the church in An Taung Kung village.
February 12: We will walk again for 2 miles crossing through the river to visit the church at Sen Thang village.
February 13-14: We will walk for 3 miles of hilly paths to visit the church at La Bung Kung village.
February 15: We will walk for 3 miles of hilly paths to visit the church at PAI village.
February 16-21 : We will walk for 2 miles to visit the church at Ouh Sin Ki village ad spend the 5 days of teaching. We shall have our 3rd annual conference of Grace Bible Fellowships churches. The theme of our conference comes from John 13:35 and the topic is “Love One Another.”
February 22: We leave for Yangon. It will take a total of three days traveling by foot on those hilly and steep paths, one day by boat and two days by bus.
February 28: God willing, we will be home and start sharing what God’s wonderful works with you and the church at home.
Please do pray for our health and teaching and service we will render to 22 widows and 4 elderly men and the people in those area. These are churches God has established between 2007-2009.
Sincerely in Christ,
Philip & Dante
Pastors and leaders are being served
(December 7-10 2009, Taung Gyi, Shan State, Myanmar)

The way Jesus equips His disciples and ours today is very different. Many leaders today like to equip their disciples by sitting and standing behind their disciples but Jesus is different. He walked with them side by side and placed them into the ministry. This is exactly what I would like to follow as a teacher and as a servant of God.
Yangon Grace Bible School has been established with that pure intentions to equip youngsters for evangelism and church planting and we have seen the hands of God shaping and molding the lives of students as they followed us, leaders and teachers, in training pastors and outreach.
Please do pray for the following upcoming events:
1. Inductive Bible Seminar for pastors (January 3-10, 2010)
2. Pastors Conference of our Grace Bible Fellowship Churches (January 11-18, 2010)
3. The first Graduation exercise of our Yangon Grace Bible School and the six students that are graduating
(January 15,2010).
4. The 3rd annual conference of Grace Bible Fellowship Churches (February, 2010)
5. Students and teachers as we will go out for evangelism, church planting and training pastors in remote areas.
6. Yangon Grace Bible school’s rent and support for it’s third academic year (June, 2010)
My wife, friends in Myanmar and I would like to say, thank you so much for the life that you share and the blessings you are sending. We pray that God will use our ministry to bless your life and work. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2010 be a year when God’s work progresses far beyond our wildest dreams and hopes! Let us all keep our eyes and open for how He plans to incorporate your efforts into His plans. Let us be ready to actively join Him in His works. May all of the works he intended to accomplish through be accomplished before He returns!
Sincerely in Christ,
Philip & Dante Lian
Active In Missions Today
More than 30 Ministers Served
(Nov. 23-18, 2009, Taung Gyi, Shan State, Myanmar)

It was 16 hours drive by Bus from Yangon. Together with Ben and two of my friends, Habakkuk, Myo Htet Naing, and our host U Sui, we went to Inle Lake for a day’s visit which also teaches of God’s sovereign provision bestowed everyday to people who make a living and construct their house on the Inle Lake.
The training was blessed by the Lord in such a way that ministers have been encouraged to go on with their tasks believing in the fact that God promises a harvest. We provided foods and paid for the lodging and their travel expenses as well. Most of them are from remote areas and it was a joy to have invested our lives in them during those few days. I thank the Lord for the live of my friend, Ben, and for his love to come alongside key leaders in Myanmar.
We praise the Lord for what He has done and we also look forward to serving more of His servants.
Please pray for the upcoming events as well.
1. Inductive Bible Seminar will be held in the same place from January 3 to 10, 2010.
2. The first graduation of our Yangon Grace Bible school will be held 15th of January and there are six students graduating this year.
3. Between January 13-18, the 2nd annual ministers conference for our Grace Bible Fellowship will also be held.
4. Students and teachers alike will actively engage in both evangelism, church planting and training pastors starting from
February to the month of May, 2010.
5. Yangon Grace Bible School will resume it’s teaching ministry in June, 2010.
Sincerely in Christ,
Philip & Dante Lian
Active In Missions Today
Report on recent trip to Malaysia (Sept. 23-28,2009)

I thank the Lord for the lives of Pastor Justin and his wife and for serving me through their Christ-like characters. I was privileged to preach six times to different congregations. To my delight, I also had a chance of preaching His words to my people from Myanmar who live and work there in Malaysia. I was also humbled and feel so indebted to the Malaysian pastors because of the service they provide to the Myanmar people. Because of their love for the Lord, love and service have been extended to the Burmese people. I also met many wonderful people of God and I remain thankful to Pastor Justin and his wife.
Summary of the Message
The messages I was led to preach can be summed up this way “God could have done all of the works we’re called to do but He simply does not. He chooses to give us the privilege of joining Him in His work as we look at and invest what He provided already to us. God’s provisions are for our investment and it is an investment with an eternal result when we invest what we have in His name in lives.”
More than 50 church leaders (pastors, evangelist, missionaries, SS teachers...etc) received Bible teachings on "servant-leadership" and "how to study the Bible Inductively" (August 27-30,2009/Mindat township, Southern Chin State, West of Myanmar)

Some of these pastors walked on foot for three days in order to come to the seminar. I was so pleased that my wife and I were led to help the Methodist Church some financial assistance to help provide foods for these dear pastors.
These two brothers have been serving the Lord for more than 30 years and it was such a joy for Philip and his team to be able to walk alongside them and to help them equip other church leaders who have only small or no chance of getting proper educations. AIMTODAY's director Philip is dedicated to help pastors get proper theological education.
Strengthening Exisiting Churches at Luk Pe Village

This is the village where we baptized 30 peoples and planted churches in March 2009. It was so great for Philip and his friends to see these people growing in their faith and in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Report on recent mission trip (August 6-14, 2009)
More than 25 church leaders and some 40 women received four days of Bible teaching provided by Philip, his friend and students of Yangon Grace Bible School

We have just returned home from a recent mission trip to Kachin State. The people we ministered to are known as LISU. More than 25 church leaders and some 40 women received Bible teachings. The result was very encouraging and we see a lot of follow grounds that must be plowed.
Hunger to study and teach the Bible inductively have been seen in their lives. We look forward to having more teaching like this in this area. Our work of serving widows and elderly people (service like breaking firewood, washing clothes and cutting grass or cleansing campus) won the heart of the people.
Our future plan include providing a week of Bible teaching for children we met there. Please do pray that we would be able and willing to enter into the doors God opened and that we would be able to keep the work pure so that everything we do bring glory to Him.
News for June 2009

As we entered our second academic year, we are reminded of how God has used the students and teacher during the vacation to accomplish His purposes but we are also afraid of becoming just an institution that merely exists without any evangelistic activities. So, we ask that you take the moment now and pray for God to bring more people to support our ministry so that we can take the students out on missions trips and equip them by placing them into the ministry.
“Thank the Lord with us for the works He has done in the past 2008 through students and teachers and seek His grace with us for this academic year ”
Prayer News for April and May 2009

Greetings brothers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so glad to inform you that we have returned home from our mission trip to Shan State.
The purpose of this trip was to ordain Timothy as pastor for Grace Bible Fellowship at Bethel village. I took with me two brothers who serve on board of AIMTODAY, namely Joshua Tha Cung Lian and Amos Zamte. We also had an assistance of five students of our training school who live in this area. We had such a good time of teaching, encouraging and building relationship with people.
This is the village is occupied by LAHU ethinic groups. This is the village where I first began the ministry back in November 2002. It was also in this village, I was taught by the Lord... one great principle that is SO IMPORTANT. That is love. I serve these people without love for about two years and those two years was just almost a wasted period though my friends and I have done so many physical works. But knowing myself so well about this tragedy, I began to ask the Lord to pour in me His love for this people group. I prayed for this particular one for almost a year and in His time the Lord did answer. He has poured in me His love for them.
I quickly could pray with tear for them for hours and this was one of the most glorious moment in my ministry.I realise now that it was "the fingers of God." Right after this moment, the Lord began to work among us in such a way that we began to have our relationship through Him and in Him and for Him. As a matter of fact, this is the one thing that maintains the ministry. Reaching others in His love is what makes ministry effective and long lasting resulted for His glory.
I want to thank all of you who stand alongside us and for your supports which help us stay on our course. May Lord greatly rejoice at His work is our prayer. Thank you all of you for your love and support.
You are invited

Our Visit Makes A Difference
I was visiting three Pakistanian christians at McCormick hospital in Chiang Mai a 17 yr young man. a Pakistian lady and her husband who had been brutilly treated in body by muslims. As I and anouther christian bro prayed with them i mentioned how God loved them so much and the Pakistian Lady said "I know God loves us cause you came and visited us," was I surprised at that statement and it has been with me for nearly two years now, God made me understand something very important of how He works in our lives as we take time to visit those who are in need of comfort and encouragement, that its not only by word but our actions for the Lord.
The story that you just read was written by my friend who live in Chiangmai. His name is George. We have become such a friends and it's been that way for more than two years now.
The story tells you that your visit to our country can make such a difference in the lives of the people of Myanmar. I am sure you will be happy when the Lord leads you to step out in faith to do what you have been able to do.
Come and visit us. Share the word of God with us. We can be reached at [email protected]